by Kieran Lindsey | Feb 17, 2022 | Birds, Wildlife
Big things come in small packages, we’re told… and if you’d like some evidence to support that theory, boy-howdy, have I got a potent little parcel for you — the Golden-Crowned Kinglet!
by Kieran Lindsey | Feb 3, 2022 | Birds, Wildlife
Wondering where all the snowbirds have gone? Look no further than your own backyard!
by Kieran Lindsey | Dec 23, 2021 | Birds, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD Ever wonder why hens’ teeth (and any other kind of avian teeth for that matter) are rare? It’s because teeth are heavy. That’s a problem if you live life on the wing but can’t use a knife and fork to cut your meals up into easy-to-swallow...
by Kieran Lindsey | Nov 25, 2020 | Birds, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD The Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) is a small bird who raises large families. Having a lot of children isn’t uncommon in the natural world but titmice parents are unusual in that they often follow the sitcom script for managing...
by Kieran Lindsey | Sep 30, 2020 | Birds, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD “He sure does have a chip on his shoulder!” That statement is a metaphor… … except when it isn’t. Taken literally, this idiom for describing someone looking for a fight may also refer to the ornamental insignia on a...