by Kieran Lindsey | Feb 17, 2022 | Birds, Wildlife
Big things come in small packages, we’re told… and if you’d like some evidence to support that theory, boy-howdy, have I got a potent little parcel for you — the Golden-Crowned Kinglet!
by Kieran Lindsey | Feb 3, 2022 | Birds, Wildlife
Wondering where all the snowbirds have gone? Look no further than your own backyard!
by Kieran Lindsey | Dec 23, 2020 | Birds, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD The natural world outside my Midwestern door is preparing for a long winter nap. Cozy quilts made of homespun leaves keep tree feet from getting too cold. Seeds and insect eggs, the harvest of the previous growing season, have slipped into...
by Kieran Lindsey | Nov 25, 2020 | Birds, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD The Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) is a small bird who raises large families. Having a lot of children isn’t uncommon in the natural world but titmice parents are unusual in that they often follow the sitcom script for managing...
by Kieran Lindsey | Sep 30, 2020 | Birds, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD “He sure does have a chip on his shoulder!” That statement is a metaphor… … except when it isn’t. Taken literally, this idiom for describing someone looking for a fight may also refer to the ornamental insignia on a...